Employee Handbook

Welcome to the Front Line

Congratulations, Soldier! You’ve enlisted (or, well, been employed) with Texas Technology, where we continue our service by fighting a different kind of battle: the technology support skirmish. As veterans, we bring discipline, structure, and a unique sense of humor to the civilian tech battleground. Our mission? To keep our clients’ technology in fighting shape, just like we kept our units.

Daily Operations Protocol

Morning Briefing

  • 0600 Hours: Roll Call. Be on time, or you’ll be doing push-ups (or worse, extra ticket duty).0615 Hours: Morning briefing. Review the mission objectives (daily tasks) and intelligence reports (emails).


  • Dress code is “smart casual.” If you’re unsure what that means, just remember: if it wouldn’t pass muster on base, it probably won’t here either. Camo is optional on Fridays.

Equipment Check

  • Your workstation is your rifle. Keep it clean, operational, and ready for action. A malfunctioning mouse is akin to a jammed weapon in the field.


  • Radios are out; Slack and email are in. Maintain clear comms with your squad (team) at all times. Use the correct channels, and no, “over and out” is not necessary (but it’s cool if you do).

Engagement Rules

Client Interaction

  • Treat every support ticket like a rescue mission. The person on the other end is your comrade in distress.Maintain professionalism at all times. Yes, even when you’re explaining for the 100th time why “password” is not a secure password.

Break Time

  • Rations (lunch) are at 1200 hours. Use this time to refuel and share war stories (but keep the classified ones to yourself).Coffee is our mess hall. Gather, enjoy, but clean up your mess. Leave no man (or mug) behind.

Understanding Civilian Terrain

Civilian vs. Military Personalities

  • Civilians might not get our acronyms or appreciate a 0400 wake-up call. Adapt and overcome.Remember, not everyone has had the pleasure of drill sergeants as mentors. Patience is your ally.

Team Dynamics

  • We operate on a rank structure of respect, not hierarchy. Your experience and expertise earn your stripes here.Got a suggestion? Strategy meetings are our roundtable discussions. Speak freely, but respectfully.

Recreation and Morale

Team Activities

  • PT (Physical Training) is voluntary. Join our company sports teams to keep the competitive spirit alive.Mandatory fun is not in our lexicon, but we do host monthly gatherings. Attendance is encouraged, not enforced by MPs.

Humor Protocol

  • A sense of humor is mandatory equipment. It’s the grease that keeps the gears turning.Keep it friendly, folks. Remember, it’s a fine line between a jest and a court-martial (HR complaint).

Final Brief

Texas Technology is more than a company; it’s a unit. We’ve traded our uniforms for business casual and our weapons for workstations, but the mission remains the same: excellence, teamwork, and a bit of good-natured ribbing.

Remember, while we come from a background where orders were followed without question, here, innovation and creativity are your best weapons. Use them wisely.

Welcome aboard, Soldier. Let’s get to work and show them how it’s done, Texas Technology style.


James Evans

IT Manager Texas Technology